Neville Goddard Spiritual Curriculum: A Comprehensive Resource for Manifesting

Neville Goddard Spiritual Curriculum: A Comprehensive Resource for Manifesting

Neville Goddard was no ordinary teacher of manifesting. He uncovered the profound connection between consciousness and reality: a foundational idea manifestation coaches build their businesses upon today (looking at you, TikTok and Youtube coaches!). His works unveil the power of the human psyche and its capability to shape our 3D world, and with this website, I've collected the best of the best to help you navigate through it all. 

As you explore the links below, you'll discover layers of Goddard's teachings that aren't typically highlighted in mainstream interpretations, as well as recommendations if you're wanting to tap into an invaluable source for your spiritual journey.

Click a link below to begin:


Who was Neville Goddard?

What are the primary teachings of Neville Goddard?

How did Neville Goddard influence modern spiritual thought?

Are Neville Goddard's works a scam or are they still relevant today?

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    Differences between Neville Goddard and Scientific Manifesting

    Neville Goddard's beliefs on manifestation

    Neville Goddard's perspective on consciousness

      Other Helpful Information:

      Which order you should read Neville Goddard books 

      Neville Goddard's personal life stories

      Core teachings of Neville Goddard

      Neville Goddard vs. Law of Attraction

      Deep insights into Neville Goddard's "Feeling is the Secret"

      Ready to Start Manifesting? Where to Go From Here

      Since the 1930s, Neville Goddard has inspired countless people with his powerful teachings on the creative power of imagination and "living in the end." By envisioning and feeling the reality of our desires, Goddard taught we can manifest them into physical form. Anecdotes abound of people applying his techniques to conjure up spouses, dream homes, and miraculous recoveries.

      While Neville Goddard's ideas were groundbreaking for his time, a 21st century understanding of the mind-body-spirit connection allows us to super-charge his methods.

      If you're looking to take your manifestation practice to the next level, it may be time to explore scientific manifesting - a new concept that builds upon spirituality while incorporating the latest insights from neuroscience, psychology, and peak performance.

      Scientific manifesting starts with the same basic premise - that our thoughts create our reality. But it then integrates evidence-based practices to amplify and accelerate the process in a structured way.

      If you're interested in learning more about it, there are a couple options available:

      Click here to sign up for the Scientific Manifesting Newsletter. 

      We also have a free discord group:

      Click here to join the community

      And if you're looking for a special little manifestation gift for yourself, moon-enchanted candles are dressed with authentic crystals and herbs containing magical properties. Give power to your wishes by petitioning the universe with specially crafted candles for love, money, healing, and road-opening.

      Shop intentions here.

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